What the hell is Jeff Barson doing?

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Where am I?

This is the blog of Jeff Barson. I'm currently running HireVue Labs, former Director at Sendside, founder of Surface Medical, Nimble, Medspa MD, Freelance MD, Frontdesk, Uncommon, and Wild Blue... angel investor and startup advisor. Oh, and I'm a artist. More >>


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    Founder Frustrations Blog: From Harvard Business Schools Noam Wasserman

    From Noam Wassermans "Founders Frustrations" Blog. Noam Wasserman is a professor in the Entrepreneurial Management unit at Harvard Business School.

    Noam's blog is a great read for entrepreneurs looking to understand how to structure ownership in a startup or why investors think they're adding more value than the entrepreneurs running the business. Here's nifty chart.

    Table 6: Entrepreneur Expectations
    (traces the trend between the entrepreneur’s perception and expectation of
    the value-add potential of the investor throughout the various funding stages)

    Entrepreneur's perception of investor



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